Are the British indigenous to Britain?
“A mongrel race” is how the British, and especially the English are labeled these days. Celt, Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman are some of the names of the peoples who have made Britain their home over the past 3,000 years, with more groups stretching back further into antiquity.
But is this term accurate? Are the English nothing more than a ‘mongrel race’ as anti-English pressure groups like to make us believe? To find the answer you need look no further than the works of Bryan Sykes and Stephen Oppenheimer to discover the real genetichistory of the British people.
To put it simply, the bulk of the British population today can trace their ancestry back to late Upper Palaeolithic/ Mesolithic peoples who gradually migrated north from their home in northern Spain/ southern France after the glaciers melted at the end of the Ice Age. Britain before then did have a human presence, though its numbers were not large. Having said that, some of their genes do flow in the British today.
As Britain became ripe once again for human habitation, these early Mesolithic peoples arrived over land as Britain was still joined to mainland Europe at this time, about 10,000BC. (Their homeland was actually the Basque lands of today. The British and the Basques share a close ancestry).
The settlers moved quickly along the Atlantic coast to occupy the land as the glaciers retreated north. In his book (and series) ‘British Isles’ Alan Titchmarch says that most of the glaciers would have melted within fifty years, hence the land was exposed extremely fast. These post Ice Age settlers still constitute the majority of the British population today.
In his book ‘Origins of the British’, Stephen Oppenheimer says that 75% to 95% of the British population has an ancient Iberian (Spanish) ancestry. While the figures are higher for Wales than England (Llangefni, north Wales is 96% and Fakenham in Norfolk is 59%), he states that only 30% of gene types in England derive from north-west Europe. This means that the original, indigenous British population is still the dominant in the modern British of today.
Since the British have been in Britain since the last Ice Age it stands to reason that they should not be considered a “mongrel race”. Though other peoples have left their imprint on the British, especially in England, the British are still remarkably united.
Consider this: the Maoris of New Zealand, a Polynesian people, arrived in New Zealand about the year 1000AD. Everyone considers them to be an ‘indigenous’ people. However, the British have been in Britain for 10,000 years, yet people call them a race of immigrants, with the insinuation that they are not indigenous. This is completely wrong and shows a terrible double-standard.
The British are just as indigenous to Britain as the Maoris are to New Zealand. Why is this such a hard pill to swallow? Perhaps it is because the world today is incapable of viewing ‘white people’ as being indigenous to anything.
The British have an ancient connection to their land and this must be respected. Simply calling them ‘immigrants’ and ‘mongrels’ is both historically wrong and a dreadful insult. The British are just as indigenous to their land as the Aborigines are to Australia, the Maoris are to New Zealand and the Native American Indians are to North America.
I am a University student studying in Bunjulung country, North East NSW Australia. After recently starting to really focus on the concept of old heritage and culture of Indigenous Australians and Islanders, I'm drawn to discovering my own. I must come from somewhere. I think, in terms of Australian 'nationality' and those with a genetic connection to British colonist/invaders, there is a profound loss of belonging. This is compounded by an ashamed guilt or outright denial of what happened (and continues to happen) to Indigenous Australians and Islanders. Perhaps if we knew who we were we could take pride in belonging and learn care for people, land, sea and air.
Rob, Thank you very much for providing all your views and information on this vexed question. Today I was seeking an answer to someone who, mischievously, asked me to define what I meant by `indigenous Briton'. It was in connection with my defence of the British National Party after the usual demonification of the BNP in the press.
I found what I needed here after seeing so much rubbish elsewhere about the origin of the English/Scots/Welsh and Irish people. Hope you don’t minding me quoting you.
Malcolm (aka Enlightened Patriot)
As an indigenous Brit [ a Welshman] I find it funny that the johnny come lately English
of Saxon descent i.e from Saxony in Germany can consider themselves British lone about indigenous.
I agree with what you say, not just because I like what you have said, but because you're actually presenting what I regard as a non-biased piece. You're not saying you're a nationalist or a unionist, you're not for or against any political party, you're not saying you agree with mass immigration or are against it. You're just stating the facts, and even after that, you have a comment from someone who clearly does have a bias, which is that English people can't be British as they are in fact Germans. British people are indigenous to Britain and as it is our homeland, the one place where our culture, history and identity should be paramount, with the more enlightened thinking of the world, it will one day be accepted too that this is such. I wouldn't be surprised too if in a century or two, the government of the United Kingdom or whatever it is offered an apology to the British population, who will by then inevitably be a small minority, and whose castles, churches, forts, songs, music and traditions will be greatly destroyed or discouraged.
I consider myself an indigenous Brit. My father's family are Cornish and have been traced back to 6th Century; my mother's family are a mix of Welsh and Irish. I don't consider myself 'Anglo-Saxon'. However, I detest the BNP and all it allegedly stands for (they should just wear brown shirts and be done with it). We are an island race, that has absorbed and changed in accordance with the tides of invaders, traders, and settlers. I am proud of my genetic inheritance, including the very probable Basque links and those of Bretton. The biggest problem in this world is the non-acceptance of the differing cultures, religions, and beliefs. The longer I am on this earth, the more I realise the differences are only superficial.We all started from the same point - Africa - regardless of where we are now.
I agree with your comments on the British identity and the logic you display. I also consider my self to be indigenous to British isles with Scottish, Cornish and Irish ancestry. I do wish that the indigenous people of the British isles would stop trying to score points by running down people that live only a few miles away. Ireland is only 10 miles from Scotland people swim between the islands so it wouldn't be difficult to assume that inter breading would take place. So I believe that we indigenous Brits and Irish should unite in defence of our identity. Remember the old saying united we prosper divided we fall.
I don't see why you imagine you, as an Australian, could possibly have any understanding of Britain and the British. For starters you begin by talking about Britons and then switch to English for no reason and without explanation, so are clearly conflating them.
The main reason for Briton's current dissatisfaction is the total failure of the liberal-left political class and it's deranged 'big idea' of multiculturalism, which has led inexorably to a slintering of society into many ethnic 'communities' and no shared culture or values to unite. They have also sat comfortably numb and unthinking along with their European counterparts as waves of migrants have swept into Europe, many of them terrorists and criminals, and the vast majority Muslims, a misogynist cult which hates British [European] culture, and desires an Islamic caliphate.
Perhaps if you instead try to find out what's wrong with Ausdtralia, apart from the historical genocide of indiginopus Australians.
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As a truly native Englishman (I can trace my ancestry back over a thousand years to this very area) I feel fully entitled to the use of the term 'Indigenous'..... so, if the English were a 'mongrel nation' it would make Americans and Australians akin to defective runts of the latest litter. A Mongrel World seems the aim of bent rainbow huggers and the Sabbatean agenda's process of human annihilation. We fight a two-front war..... at minimum.
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